Payday Loans

Paypal purchase page

Posted April 16th, 2010 in project and tagged , , , by Donny Kurnia

This was another project at RAC that using PayPal IPN to handle payment from buyer. Beside build it using CodeIgniter, in this project, I’m using SQLite instead of MySQL for store product and payment data.

Project's Detail
Project URL
Project Type
Project Feature
  • PayPal IPN
  • CodeIgniter
Other Feature
Project Description (from client)


I have a service that I want people to purchase using PayPal.

I have a PayPal sandbox account, so you can use this to do development, and I will test your solution using the sandbox before acceptance. I am using Paypal website standard.

The purchase process is pretty straightforward. I have a single service to sell. It costs $500.

When the user arrives at the paypal button, we have only one piece of identifying information…the email address. After the purchase, I want to return to a welcome page, and return the email address as a POST variable to the welcome page. I also need a cancel, and failure page.

I also want the first and last name of the buyer returned to the welcome page in POST variables.

By the way, the email address is stored as a session variable on the purchase page.

I also want to secure my Paypal button so that people cannot lift the code, and change the price of the service.

You will develop on your page, and then test it on the Sandbox. When it works, I will port your button code to my actual purchase page and test it. If I have problems, you will fix it before the job is accepted. I will not modify the code, I will simply port it over to the actual purchase page.

Once it works there, you will tell me which parameters/values I need to change on the button code in order to get it to work with the real Paypal site.



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